About Angela McPhillips DNP, RN

I am a Registered Nurse and Doctor of Nursing Practice with 15+ years of nursing experience. 

My passion for healthcare education comes alive in written word as a freelance health writer.

This platform allows me to reach incredibly more people (especially parents) with vital health information... WAY more than I could ever reach at the bedside. 

My nursing experience is rooted in pediatric emergency care and school nursing.

I am a Certified Breastfeeding Specialist.

As a Clinical Assistant Professor of Nursing, my work supported these populations at the community and systems levels

My years of clinical experience as a pediatric emergency room nurse and certified school nurse inform my writing.

I draw on my clinical experiences for personal anecdotes and stories from the frontline to inform my writing.

Personal stories and experiences from my years at the bedside make my content come alive and resonate with readers. 

I am certified in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and use these skills in my writing to elevate your brand's online presence and drive results. 

My years as a mom give my writing the extra touch that calms anxious parents... I've been one!

As a mom and nurse writer, I specialize in:

  • Pregnancy
  • Maternal health & wellness
  • Family Health
  • Primary Prevention
  • Infant, child, and teen health & wellness and injury prevention & safety
  • Infant feeding, specifically breastfeeding
Get To Know Me Through Content Creation
mom walking hand in hand with small boy, holding toddler girl in nature