Premium Ghostwriting Services

family education

Educational Email Courses

Educational Email Courses (EECs) are an innovative vehicle to attract readers to your brand and convert them to customers. 

An EEC is a sequence of email sent out over a period of time (5 days, for example) that teachers readers about a specific topic. 

EECs establish industry expertise, build trust, and nuture readers. The course is followed with a 3 day FOMO sequence nudging readers to your product or service. 

This asset CONVERTS!

With a high opt-in rate (30-50%), compared to 1-5% for a traditional discount/newsletter opt-in, you'll add potential leads to your funnel and drive conversions with ease. 

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A pencil, a pencil sharpener and crafting notebooks on a green-gray background.

Content Library

Establish your industry expertise with a meticulously researched, expertly written content library. I create a repository of short and long-form blog posts in 3-5 content buckets that positions your brand as an expert in your industry. 

The goal of the Content Library is to increase brand awareness, solidify your expertise, and build trusts among your target audience. 

Seamlessly repurpose library content in solid media posts, newsletter content, and digital products. 

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beige and white typewritter

Health Articles

Inform and educate your audience with meticulously researched articles on healthcare topics. I expertly craft evergreen, semi-evergreen, and news-related articles. Subject Matter Expert interviews are included if appropriate. 

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woman sitting on armless chair with light between bookcases in room

Video Scripting

Do you need support writing a script for health & wellness video content?

I write natural, conversational scripts that send a clear, understandable message to your audience.

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